Steel Piped Heart, the plumbing aspect of our company:
The heart symbol, composed by uniting the two P’s from Precision Plumbing, expresses the strong relationships we hold between our customers and the love of what we produce within our finished product.
The steel pipes represent our sturdy belief in demonstrating a positive experience with a dependable, self-motivated team.
The Blue Flames, the heating aspect of our company:
Blue, the tranquil color of water, signifies loyalty and stimulates productivity within our family of employees.
While the flames constitute our burning desire to succeed and grow.
The heart symbol, composed by uniting the two P’s from Precision Plumbing, expresses the strong relationships we hold between our customers and the love of what we produce within our finished product.
The steel pipes represent our sturdy belief in demonstrating a positive experience with a dependable, self-motivated team.
The Blue Flames, the heating aspect of our company:
Blue, the tranquil color of water, signifies loyalty and stimulates productivity within our family of employees.
While the flames constitute our burning desire to succeed and grow.